After the death of her father, Emily moves in with relatives at New Moon Farm and struggles to adjust to a new way of life - (Baker & Taylor)
From the author of Anne of Green Gables, the first book of the beloved Emily trilogy—recently seen on Netflix’s hit show Russian Doll!
Emily Starr never knew what it was to be lonely—until her beloved father died. Now Emily's an orphan, and her snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm. Although she's sure she'll never be happy there, Emily deals with her stern aunt Elizabeth and her malicious classmates by using her quick wit and holding her head high.
In this first volume of the celebrated Emily trilogy, Lucy Maud Montgomery draws a more realistic portrait of a young orphan girl's life on early twentieth-century Prince Edward Island. Along with Emily Climbs and Emily’s Quest, Emily of New Moon insightfully portrays the beauty and anguish of growing up.
- (Random House, Inc.)
Emily of New Moon
By Lucy Maud Montgomery
Copyright © 1983
Lucy Maud Montgomery
All right reserved.
ISBN: 9780553233704
"Come into the parlor, Emily," said Aunt Elizabeth. "Last night we could not decide who should take you. Cousin Jimmy suggested we draw lots, and that is what we are going to do. Our names are written on these slips of paper. You will draw one, and the person whose name is on it will give you a home."
Emily trembled. She could not lift her hands.
"Draw," said Aunt Elizabeth.
Emily set her teeth and did it. Aunt Elizabeth took the slip from her shaking hand and held it up. On it was her own name, Elizabeth Murray.
"Well, that's settled," said Uncle Wallace. "Of course I'll pay my share of the costs."
"No, thank you," said Aunt Elizabeth. "It is my duty, and I shall do what is needed."
"I am her duty," thought Emily. "Father said nobody ever liked a duty. So Aunt Elizabeth will never like me."
Will Aunt Elizabeth grow to love Emily? Will Emily ever find a home?
Excerpted from Emily of New Moon
by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Copyright © 1983 by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.